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Don't you want to go out in the last few years with a feeling of restlessness and blockage? Let's go on a trip! ! ! ! That said, it's kind of difficult. Then why not take a trip through the works?

Find a ship that was launched on land. Take a walk along the waterways of Edinburgh. See Burgundy villages from the train window. Finding a large tree deep in the forest. Why don't you feel like traveling in the museum?

Exhibition Archive

Toshiro Aoki, Kazuo Ishikawa, Kenichiro Ishiguro, Toshihiro Ohata, Osamu Obi, Fumihiko Gomi, Nobuyuki Shimamura, Shigeru Sone, Hiroshi Noda, Yutaka Haneda, Masayuki Hara, Ryo Shiotani, Yutaro Nakanishi, Shuichi Fujiwara, Sosuke Morimoto (5) alphabetical order)


Takaya Fujita

1981 年広島県生まれ。広島市立大学芸術学部油絵学科油絵専攻卒業、同学部研究科絵画専攻修了。道銀文化財団野田塾研究生として北海道にて制作活動 (2008-2012)。ホキ美術館開館記念特別展。第1回存在の美学- 伊達市噴火湾文化研究所同人展 (2012,2014 高島屋各店)。超写実絵画の襲来 ホキ美術館所蔵(2020 Bunkamura ザ・ミュージアム), ホキ美術館名品展(2020 奥田元宋・小由女美術館, 2021 倉吉博物館、宮崎県立美術館、金沢21世紀美術館)

1967 年 静岡県生まれ 。多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻卒業 、同大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修了。第34 回昭和会賞展日動火災賞受賞(1999)、文化庁芸術家派遣在外研修員としてスペインに渡りマドリード・コンプルテンセ大学に修学(2001)。第7 回前田寛冶大賞展佳作賞一席受賞(2007 日本橋高島屋・倉吉美術館)。スペインMEAM ホキ美術館展(2018), 超写実絵画の襲来ホキ美術館所蔵(2020 Bunkamura ザ・ミュージアム)。 広島市立大学芸術学部准教授。

Takaya Fujita

1983 年 台北市生まれ。中国文化大学、 国立台湾師範大学西洋画の修士号を取得。ARC Purchase Award、Art Renewal Center (ARC), USA Honorable Mention / Portraiture, USA ARC People's Choice Award, USA Chi-mei Cultivation Award, The Kaohsiung Award (2008)など数々の賞を受賞。ARC サロン、サザビーズNY(2021 年)、ヨーロッパ近代美術館、バルセロナ(2021 年)、ベルリン(2011 年)など世界各地でアーティスト・イン・レジデンスを行っている。

Takaya Fujita

While there are many portrait paintings in the world's masterpieces, I think that there are many landscape paintings in Japan's masterpieces. Japan has four distinct seasons, and I think that's why. The change of seasons is the flow of time itself. That's enough to make you feel impermanence. It is said that realistic paintings depict "existence", but existence always embraces time and changes. The water surface and sky of Lake Kasumigaura, not a two-dimensional painting where time has stopped, but a painting that includes time.

Toshihiro Ohata “Glorious Light – Lake Kasumigaura”

While there are many portrait paintings in the world's masterpieces, I think that there are many landscape paintings in Japan's masterpieces. Japan has four distinct seasons, and I think that's why. The change of seasons is the flow of time itself. That's enough to make you feel impermanence. It is said that realistic paintings depict "existence", but existence always embraces time and changes. The water surface and sky of Lake Kasumigaura, not a two-dimensional painting where time has stopped, but a painting that includes time.

Toshihiro Ohata “Glorious Light – Lake Kasumigaura”

廣戸絵美 / 1981 年広島県生まれ。広島市立大学芸術学部油絵学科油絵専攻卒業、同学部研究科絵画専攻修了。道銀文化財団野田塾研究生として北海道にて制作活動 (2008-2012)。ホキ美術館開館記念特別展。第1回存在の美学- 伊達市噴火湾文化研究所同人展 (2012,2014 高島屋各店)。超写実絵画の襲来 ホキ美術館所蔵(2020 Bunkamura ザ・ミュージアム), ホキ美術館名品展(2020 奥田元宋・小由女美術館, 2021 倉吉博物館、宮崎県立美術館、金沢21世紀美術館)

While there are many portrait paintings in the world's masterpieces, I think that there are many landscape paintings in Japan's masterpieces. Japan has four distinct seasons, and I think that's why. The change of seasons is the flow of time itself. That's enough to make you feel impermanence. It is said that realistic paintings depict "existence", but existence always embraces time and changes. The water surface and sky of Lake Kasumigaura, not a two-dimensional painting where time has stopped, but a painting that includes time.

Toshihiro Ohata “Glorious Light – Lake Kasumigaura”

Thursday, May 26, 2022 - Sunday, November 13, 2022
Opening hours
10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Admission is until 5:00 p.m., 30 minutes before closing time.
Information on closed dayscalendarPlease confirm.
Please call orHPPlease make a reservation from
Hoki Museum Gallery 1

Overview of the event

While there are many portrait paintings in the world's masterpieces, I think that there are many landscape paintings in Japan's masterpieces. Japan has four distinct seasons, and I think that's why. The change of seasons is the flow of time itself. That's enough to make you feel impermanence. It is said that realistic paintings depict "existence", but existence always embraces time and changes. The water surface and sky of Lake Kasumigaura, not a two-dimensional painting where time has stopped, but a painting that includes time.

Toshihiro Ohata “Glorious Light – Lake Kasumigaura”

石黒賢一郎 / 1967 年 静岡県生まれ 。多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻卒業 、同大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修了。第34 回昭和会賞展日動火災賞受賞(1999)、文化庁芸術家派遣在外研修員としてスペインに渡りマドリード・コンプルテンセ大学に修学(2001)。第7 回前田寛冶大賞展佳作賞一席受賞(2007 日本橋高島屋・倉吉美術館)。スペインMEAM ホキ美術館展(2018), 超写実絵画の襲来ホキ美術館所蔵(2020 Bunkamura ザ・ミュージアム)。 広島市立大学芸術学部准教授。

While there are many portrait paintings in the world's masterpieces, I think that there are many landscape paintings in Japan's masterpieces. Japan has four distinct seasons, and I think that's why. The change of seasons is the flow of time itself. That's enough to make you feel impermanence. It is said that realistic paintings depict "existence", but existence always embraces time and changes. The water surface and sky of Lake Kasumigaura, not a two-dimensional painting where time has stopped, but a painting that includes time.

Toshihiro Ohata “Glorious Light – Lake Kasumigaura”

羅展鵬 / 1983 年 台北市生まれ。中国文化大学、 国立台湾師範大学西洋画の修士号を取得。ARC Purchase Award、Art Renewal Center (ARC), USA Honorable Mention / Portraiture, USA ARC People's Choice Award, USA Chi-mei Cultivation Award, The Kaohsiung Award (2008)など数々の賞を受賞。ARC サロン、サザビーズNY(2021 年)、ヨーロッパ近代美術館、バルセロナ(2021 年)、ベルリン(2011 年)など世界各地でアーティスト・イン・レジデンスを行っている。

Don't you want to go out in the last few years with a feeling of restlessness and blockage? Let's go on a trip! ! ! ! That said, it's kind of difficult. Then why not take a trip through the works?

Find a ship that was launched on land. Take a walk along the waterways of Edinburgh. See Burgundy villages from the train window. Finding a large tree deep in the forest. Why don't you feel like traveling in the museum?

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